Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Best "One" Exercise For Losing Weight?

If you could pick just one exercise to help you lose weight, what would it be. Most people, if only able to choose one, and including those not looking to lose any weight, a big majority would probably pick an easier exercise. I've trained with many people at many gyms, and when its time to do a circuit, like many different exercises one after the other, everyone always dreads when the really tough exercises come around, such as Burpees with a high jump (or ceiling touch) and clapping press ups wearing a weighted vest. I call them "Oh No" exercises. People would rather avoid these exercises, and that's understandable.

Anyway, enough about that. I'm tired just thinking about Burpees! So what is the one best one exercise if you're a person that works full time, are overweight, and can only dedicate a limited time to training each day, like one hour every day, or every other day. Well, in my opinion it has to be running / jogging. If you want to lose weight, running is one of the best exercises you can do. Preferably on grass, as taking to the streets, running on concrete is not good for the knees.

Running is just a great, all round exercise that not only makes the weight fall off fast if you eat healthy too, but improves stamina ten fold. You could always try fasting, either short term (safest) or do a water fast (Not suitable for everyone and can have potential dangers.) If you want to get the cobwebs out of your heart and lungs running is definitely one of the best ways to do so. Of course, if overweight, warm up properly and don't over do it when just starting out. Get the body used to running again. That doesn't just mean just the legs either, but also the heart, lungs, lower back and even the arms.

Running is great because its also free and doesn't require you to go to any class or gym. You don't need a training partner either, although its always better to train with other people. Just put your training gear on, warm up, and off you go. Once you get used to running you can increase the distance, speed, and watch your fitness level rise while you lose weight in the process.